Frequently Asked Questions

What is service?

Who is the service for?

What are the benefits of this service?

What does volunteering mean?

Why should one volunteer?

What is a username?

Do I have to register?

How do I apply to become a volunteer?

Am I committing to something forever?

Am I suitable?

Why do I have to provide my contact information?

Age and gender – why do we ask for these?

How can I stop being a volunteer?

I am interested in the tasks of one organization. How do I get information about them?

What should I do if I notice a task or organization that is inapproppriate or breaks the Terms of Use?

What do I do if my password link expires?

Who can submit tasks?

How do I submit a task?

How do I write a good description for a task?

The themes of volunteer tasks: What are they for and how do I select a suitable one?

What is the difference between the basic version and the extended version?

Can I change my basic version to the extended version later?

Where can I see the volunteers who have applied for my tasks?

How do I edit my task?

What if the Publish button doesn’t work?

Who is responsible for the contents of the volunteer tasks?

Is it possible that the task I submitted won’t be published?

How can we make sure that the volunteers show up and don’t leave the organizer in trouble?

Who administers the service?

Who can I contact?