Knowledge of the service
Cities, parishes, organizations and charities can report volunteering after registration. You can choose the basic version, which is open to everyone, or the extensive version, which is subject to a fee.
Already registered?
Free Basic Version
Publish tasks easily and quickly
Information of volunteers who have applied to your task
Open to all and free of charge
Extended version
Publish tasks easily and quickly
Information of volunteers who have applied to your task
You can add information and sort your volunteers
The organization can have several users
You will get statistics of the volunteer work of your organization
Kirkkopalvelut ry (0215281-7)
Järvenpääntie 640
04400 Järvenpää
Tilaamalla palvelun hyväksyt käyttöehdot. Maksullisen palvelun irtisanomisaika on yksi (1) kuukausi. Ota silloin yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme. Tutustu myös saavutettavuusselosteeseen ja tietosuojalausekkeeseen.
Vapaaehtoistyö.fi pidättää oikeiden kaikkiin muutoksiin.